Global Health, An Epidemiological Perspective: Strategic Interventions for the Reduction of Cholera in Haiti
A Joint Report Submitted
Dr. Barbara Goldoftas, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy at Clark University
Dr. Barbara Goldoftas, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy at Clark University
Jenkins Macedo (M.A. 2012)
Lydia Meintel-Wade (M.S. 2012)
Marcus Pasay (B.S. 2013)
David Safari (M.S. Cand., 2013)
Lydia Meintel-Wade (M.S. 2012)
Marcus Pasay (B.S. 2013)
David Safari (M.S. Cand., 2013)
This chapter focuses on the cholera
epidemic that began in Haiti in October 2010. This epidemic has been one of the
most severe cholera outbreaks in history due to a variety of factors that
promoted the quick and rampant spread of the disease. As of October 14, 2011,
just one year after the initial outbreak began, the total numbers of reported
cholera cases in Haiti are 437, 649 and still rising (WHO, 2011b).
The Republic of Haiti is
situated in the western part of the Island of Hispaniola in the Great Antillean
archipelago (WHO, 2011a). Haiti shares its border to the east with the
Dominican Republic. Haiti achieved independence from France in 1804 after a
long history of colonial rule by both France and Spain. During its colonial period, Haiti was very
productive in sugar and coffee related products, which relied heavily on a
slave labor force. The country’s long history of exploitation from colonial
powers as well as political instabilities after independence resulted in
social, environmental and economic problems (WHO, 2011a). The unsustainable
extraction of natural resources during this period led to deforestation,
topsoil depletion and other types of environmental degradation. These environmental problems persist today,
making economic development difficult and exacerbating a number of current risk
factors for disease.
This chapter is broken down into
five sections including: Section I) Background of cholera and its historical
context in Haiti, Section II) Population of study and social/environmental
determinants of health, Section III) Short-term/immediate interventions for the
cholera outbreak, Section IV) Intermediate stage interventions for the cholera
outbreak and Section V) Long-term interventions for the cholera outbreak.
Within each section there are subsections that go into detail about specific
intervention techniques and how to implement these techniques.
The Disease
Cholera is a water-borne
human intestinal disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholera. The disease is most often spread through the
ingestion of food or water contaminated by the feces of a person infected with
cholera. After infection by the bacteria, many people experience symptoms
including fever, muscle cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting within hours. Without
treatment, these symptoms lead to rapid dehydration that can result in shock or
death within hours. Rapid dehydration and electrolyte loss caused by cholera
can result in death in up to 50% of untreated cases (Farmer et al, 2011).
Cholera is most often
found in areas with limited sanitation, poor water treatment systems or
inadequate hygiene, but other environmental factors are also associated with
outbreaks. The bacteria Vibrio cholera exists naturally in coastal and
freshwater bodies. Under disadvantageous conditions such as low temperatures it
enters into a dormant state in which it can remain viable and transmissible, meaning
that cholera epidemics can result either from the contamination of a water
supply by infected persons or by the transmission of an environmental strain to
humans. Studies have shown a positive association between levels of
chlorophyll, rainfall and cholera cases in India and Bangladesh (Colwell,
2010). Chlorophyll in water serves as a proxy measurement for the abundance of
phytoplankton populations and is used as a proxy because the bacteria live in
and on zooplankton, whose populations are directly related to phytoplankton
levels (Colwell, 2010).
Reports of cholera-like
diseases have been recorded since ancient times, but the first epidemic cholera
outbreak that was defined as such began in 1817 in India and Southeast Asia
(Reidl & Klose, 2002). In the past cholera was a serious health problem in
the developed and wealthy populations of the world, including Europe and North
America but increased access to medical care, prevention methods, and
technological advancements in water and sanitation infrastructure in these
areas has reduced its threat to almost nothing. There has not been an outbreak
of cholera in Europe or North America since the early 1900s (CDC, 2011).
However, many developing countries still have underdeveloped sanitation, water,
and healthcare systems, which increases the danger of possible cholera
outbreaks and their subsequent effects on local health and economies. Currently
an estimated 3-5 million cases occur around the world each year, resulting in
over 100,000 deaths (CDC, 2011). Cholera has been seen as a deadly infection
that can be spread rapidly throughout a country if the conditions allow. In the
case of Haiti, poor social and environmental conditions have created ideal
conditions for the rampant spread of cholera making this one of the most deadly
cholera epidemics on record.
Section I: Historical
Context of Cholera in Haiti
Haiti has long been one
of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere, which has greatly affected
the health and wellbeing of the Haitian citizens. The health system in Haiti
has never been very robust causing the country to have very high maternal and
infant mortality rates (Farmer et al, 2011). Having high maternal and infant
mortality rates along with weak sanitation conditions and water security indicate
that the health system and infrastructure of the country is unstable and poor,
making Haiti’s population and great example of a population that is extremely
vulnerable to disease outbreaks. Before the cholera outbreak began in October
of 2010, diarrheal diseases have been a significant cause of death in Haiti,
especially among children.
Before the 2010
earthquake, many Haitians lived in impoverished conditions without access to
treated water, adequate housing or sanitary living conditions. The lack of these
services left a large portion of the population at risk of contracting both
waterborne and airborne diseases. Even
before the earthquake diarrheal diseases were a significant concern in Haiti;
22% of deaths of children under five years old were attributed to diarrheal
diseases in 2008, making these diseases the second leading cause of death among
children (WHO, 2011d). Also, approximately 40% of the
population does not have access to latrines, which is a contributing factor to
cholera outbreak as water sources become contaminated with human feces (ICM,
2010). The magnitude of the cholera outbreak after the earthquake in 2010 was
intensified by the absence of these services.
The last cholera
epidemic in that occurred in Latin America was a multi-country epidemic of
greater than 1,000,000 reported cases and 10,000 reported deaths during
1991-1994 (Farmer et al, 2011). During this period Haiti and the Caribbean did
not record any case of cholera outbreak (WHO, 2011). The first case of cholera
reported in October 2010 in the department of Artibonite in the center of the
country marked the first cholera epidemic in Haiti in over a century (WHO, 2010).
Shortly after the first reported case, many other cases began showing up
along the Artibonite River, where the initial spread of cholera was though to
begin (Farmer et al, 2011). After the earthquake, a
large portion of the population lacked access to clean and safe drinking water
and basic sanitation as a result of internal migration, which allowed the
disease to spread person-to-person and through contaminated water supplies
(WHO, 2011 & IMC, 2010).
Section II: Population
of study and social/environmental determinants of health
Population of the Study
Haiti’s population as a
whole has been affected by the cholera epidemic, however there are several
subpopulations within the country that may face elevated risk, including
internally displaced people not in camps and those living along the Artibonite
river (WHO, 2011). For instance, initially case-fatality rates ranged from
0.8%-7.7% throughout the country illustrating geographic disparities that have
shaped the epidemic (Farmer et al, 2011).
Interventions proposed in this paper pertain to the entire Haitian
population, but those subpopulations that have been affected more should be
specifically targeted with mitigation efforts and treated with more urgency
according to their level of risk.
The cholera outbreak in
Haiti has been one of the most explosive and deadly outbreaks in recent history
with over 250,000 cases and 4,000 deaths within the first six month of the
outbreak (Dowell and Braden, 2011). In Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, the
disease has been found to have an attack rate of 7.8% compared to a global
attack rate of 4.6% (WHO, 2011b). This high attack rate has illustrated the
severity of the spread by indicating the amount of persons infected out of the
total population exposed. This outbreak
spread rapidly throughout the country and has been most severe in rural areas
and large urban slums. This outbreak has been exacerbated by the displacement
of thousands of people into slums that have little to no resources following
the devastating earthquake that occurred in January 2010. Cholera has been detected
in all 10 departments of Haiti and is mostly concentrated in urban areas where
population is high. In more rural areas, while populations may be lower,
case-fatality rates are extremely high because it is very difficult for this
portion of the population to access basic heath care (Farmer et al, 2011).
Those who were displaced by the earthquake and reside in makeshift settlements
are particularly vulnerable to cholera due to lack of health care, water and
proper sanitation.
The geographic layout of Haiti has had severe
implications for the spread of cholera and the associated deaths. The
topography of the land has created “hot spots” for cholera due to physical
attributes of the land such as elevation and surface water location. For
example, departments that boarder the Artibonite River have an increased number
of cases compared to departments that do not boarder the Artibonite River
because it is thought that this river is the source of cholera (CDC, 2010).
Also, seasonality and weather patterns are of particular importance to those
who are located in the south and southeast of the country because they are
vulnerable to a resurgence of cholera due to an increase in precipitation
caused by the rainy season that can create major flooding and enhance the
spread of cholera (WHO, 2011b). Mountainous regions are considered to be a “hot
spot” for cholera because often times they can only be reached after a
half-a-day journey on foot making the entire village susceptible to infection
(Butler, 2011). The mountains in the
South East department have made it difficult to reach those affected by cholera
resulting in this department having the highest case-fatality rate of 7.7%
(Farmer et al, 2011).
Key Environmental and Social Determinants of Health
Environmental and social
determinants of health have played a significant role in the way that cholera
has spread throughout Haiti. In order to begin mitigating the spread of cholera
we must take a closer look at these determinants to better understand their
patterns and associations with the spread of cholera on a variety of scales
ranging from the household level to the national level. The Haitian population
was extremely vulnerable at the time of the cholera outbreak due to a lack of
infrastructure for treated water, sanitation, and accessible medical
facilities. From a variety of
determinants associated with the spread of cholera, this paper will address
access to treated water and sanitation as key social and environmental determinants,
Social determinants of
health are thought to be social and economic conditions of an individual that
affects their health and well being as a whole. They are the conditions in
which people are born, grow, live, work and age including the health system
that individuals have available to them (WHO, 2010). Often social determinants
of health are shaped by the distribution of money, power, and resources at the
global, national, and local levels that are influenced by policy choices. Haiti
has struggled with unequal distribution of money, power, and resources at the
national level and internationally since its independence. The majority of the 77% percent of Haitians
currently living below the poverty line do not have consistent access to safe
drinking water as a result of their social and economic conditions (World Bank, 2011).
In 2002 Haiti ranked
last out of 147 countries for water security according to the water poverty
index, thus illustrating the need for clean water and distribution of clean
water across the country (Farmer et al, 2011).
The water poverty index is a tool developed to measure water stress at
the community level to aid national decision makes to establish priority
interventions regarding the water sector (Sullivan et al, 2003). Acute water
shortages are thought to be one of the most significant catalysts of the
cholera epidemic; political unrest at the time of the outbreak resulted in
several roads being blockaded and barriers to equal distribution of treated
water and aid (CMAJ, 2011). Even before the January 10 earthquake only about
two thirds of the population of Port-au-Prince had access to tap water (Farmer
et al, 2011), a proportion which was significantly decreased by the effects of
the earthquake. During this time, access to improved water sources was even
more limited in rural areas (~50%) (WHO, 2010). Increasing access to clean
water for the entire Haitian population should be an immediate priority in
order to mitigate the spread and severity of the cholera epidemic in Haiti.
Environmental determinants of health are closely linked with social determinants of health and are influenced by one another. Environmental determinants of health are often considered to be the physical, biological, and chemical components of the environment that affect the health of individuals and populations. In the case of Haiti and the cholera epidemic sanitation is an important environmental determinant of health because the lack of improved sanitation facilities contributed to the spread of the disease (Dowell and Braden, 2011).
Environmental determinants of health are closely linked with social determinants of health and are influenced by one another. Environmental determinants of health are often considered to be the physical, biological, and chemical components of the environment that affect the health of individuals and populations. In the case of Haiti and the cholera epidemic sanitation is an important environmental determinant of health because the lack of improved sanitation facilities contributed to the spread of the disease (Dowell and Braden, 2011).
Sanitation or lack
thereof, is another issue that has promoted the spread of cholera in Haiti and
is a result of the lack of financial and resource availability to Haiti in the
global market. In the case of Haiti, the cholera epidemic will ultimately be
controlled when the municipal and rural drinking water systems are effectively
protected from contamination by sewage (Dowell et al, 2011). Before the
earthquake in 2010, only half of the population in Port-au-Prince had access to
latrines and other forms of modern sanitation compared to the rest of the
country where only 17% of the population had access to adequate sanitation
(Farmer et al, 2011). Proper hygiene associated with the use of soap and water
has been thought to reduce the risk of diarrheal illnesses by 47% (Cairncross,
2003; in Farmer et al, 2011). Even though soap is relatively cheap (US$0.50 in
Haiti) most Haitians live on only US$1.25 a day, an income that makes the cost
of soap a considerable financial burden (Farmer et al, 2011). Improving the
sanitation conditions in which Haitians live, specifically targeting solid
waste treatment and the separation of drinking and sewage water is of the
utmost importance for controlling the cholera epidemic.
Section III: Short term/immediate
interventions for cholera
The outbreak of cholera in an area requires
immediate response to prevent rapid spread of the disease. Rapid response is
especially important for this disease, because it can result in mortality
within hours of the first symptoms and many people in Haiti cannot access to
medical care quickly enough if at all. Within four weeks of the first confirmed
in the Artibonite province of Haiti on October 19, 2010, the disease had
reached all 10 provinces in Haiti and had spread to the neighboring Dominican
Republic on the island of Hispaniola. By December 31st of that year
179,379 persons had contracted cholera and 3,990 of these had died, according
to the Haitian Ministry of Public Health (WHO, 2011b). The remarkable speed of the epidemic’s spread
demonstrates that immediate interventions need to be put in place by health
officials in order to minimize loss of life.
This section proposes short-term interventions
discussed in infectious disease literature with a focus on improving hygiene
and sanitation and increasing public awareness to take immediate precautions in
order to prevent transmission of cholera. The implementation of short term
interventions such as these can enables the Ministry of Health to slow the spread
of the epidemic immediately while planning medium and long term interventions
to eliminate the disease.
Vaccination of cholera can be administered by
injection or oral ingestion. The injectable form although its side
effectiveness and limited effectiveness have made it inappropriate for mass
vaccinations. Cholera can also be prevented using oral vaccines, which have
proved to be more effective and have no side effects. The oral vaccines have
two major types (Dukoral and Shanchol) and all the two medicines require two
dozes, given two weeks apart. The World Health Organizations has licensed
Dukoral vaccine in over 60 countries due to its effectiveness (WHO, 2010a).
This vaccine has been shown to provide short-term protection of 85–90% against
V. cholerae O1 among all age groups at 4–6 months following immunization. However, Dukoral has
to be mixed with a buffer before being swallowed, while Shanchol is just a
couple of milliliters of solution that can be dropped into the mouth like a
polio vaccine. Logistically, the latter would be easier, and it would be
affordable at around $2per dose (Medecins Sans Frontieres, Field News, 2011).
surveillance and early warning greatly helps in detecting the first cases and
put in place control measures. Health officials needed daily reports to monitor
the epidemic spread and to position cholera prevention and treatment resources
across the country. In the first week of
the outbreak, Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population's director
general collected daily reports by telephone from health facilities and
reported results to the press. On November 1, formal national cholera
surveillance began, and MSPP began posting reports on its website. Reported
cases decreased substantially in January, and the national CFR of hospitalized
case-patients fell below 1%. As of July 31, 2011, a total of 419,511 cases,
222,359 hospitalized case-patients, and 5,968 deaths had been reported (Tappero and Tauxe, 2011). Surveillance such as this can
help in planning for better a better intervention approach.
Water and Sanitation
To achieve better
control strategies, all the partners involved should be properly coordinated
and water and sanitation should be included as key tools in controlling cholera
epidemic. Provision of safe water in areas that experience shortage is critical
in preventing emergence of new cases. Affected communities should be encouraged
to boil in the short term and keep drinking water in clean containers. The public should also be directed to wash
their hands with soap before eating and after using toilets or pit latrines.
Soap kills bacteria on the skin during the process of washing. This stops
contamination of food, water and transmission of the bacteria from one person
to another.
Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS)
Efficient treatment can
be achieved by prompt rehydration using oral rehydration salts (ORS) or
intravenous fluids, depending on severity of cases. Due to diarrhoea, cholera
patients normally lose a lot of water from their bodies and they require to
replace water lost by taking fluids. Very dehydrated patients are treated
through the administration of intravenous fluids, preferably Ring lactate. For
children aged 5 years and below, supplementary administration of zinc has
proven effective in reducing duration of diarrhea (WHO, 2007). The mortality
rate of cholera can be reduced to less than 1% by the adequate replacement of
fluids and electrolytes. A mixture of glucose and salt solution allows oral
replacement of electrolytes and makes treatment of the disease (particular in
rural areas) much more effective. Also, the use of any digestible carbohydrate
together with NaCl appears to be effective for electrolyte replacement.
Information dissemination and community participation
Health departments
should endeavor to make announcements about affected areas so that the public
is aware in order to prevent the spread of cholera epidemic. Communication
channels such as televisions, radios, newspapers and announcements in schools,
churches and other social gathering places helps in taking necessary
precautions to reduce the spread of cholera (Keraka and Wamicha, 2003). According
to UN-Habitat and Gender Water Alliance (2005), community participation is
becoming a central issue in modern times. The participation of both women and
men in planning and decision making processes are the key elements for
ownership and sustainability of water and sanitation projects at community level.
The involvement of volunteers from the affected and surrounding populations
plays a vital role in curbing down cholera epidemic. It also supports the
health workforce to manage the rapidly spreading epidemic.
Section IV: Intermediate
interventions for cholera
When an epidemic
strikes, or indeed any disaster, there is often a large influx of foreign aid
to help with the emergency. This was the case when Haiti experienced an
earthquake and cholera epidemic within ten months and many nations,
multinational agencies and nongovernmental organizations rapidly came to the
country’s aid. However, this aid will
not last forever: aid is usually aimed at mitigating the acute effects of a
disaster and is not generally maintained once the crisis is contained. Cholera can persist in a region because the
bacteria can remain viable in natural water bodies in a dormant state when
seasonal conditions are unfavorable and multiply when conditions improve,
producing a resurgence of the disease (Colwell, 2010). In Haiti, transmission
continued at a reduced rate in 2011 and resulted in at least one large outbreak
in the New Year (Tappero & Tauxe, 2011).
Studies have shown a significant relationship between rainfall and
cholera cases (Colwell, 2010), which indicates that cholera may continue to
increase seasonally in the coming years in Haiti, which it did in Haiti during
the rainy season of 2011 (Tappero & Tauxe, 2011). Given the deficit of
effective sanitation and medical infrastructure in the country, it is necessary
to plan for direct interventions into a variety of sectors of society that will
impact health in the period after the epidemic and before Haiti acquires the
economic means for significant infrastructure development.
section offers suggestions of interventions for the “medium-term,” meaning the
time period after the end of the epidemic and continuing until major changes in
Haitian infrastructure can be financed and implemented. It is in this period that we find ourselves
now: the cholera transmission rate in Haiti has decreased and a portion of the
population has been immunized by natural infection but a large percentage of
the population is still at risk (Tappero
and Tauxe, 2011). Considering the Haiti’s poor
economic state and the fact that the influx of aid experienced at the start of
the epidemic can not be expected to continue indefinitely, it is essential that
these interventions be very low cost and be implementable on small regional
scales at the level of the nongovernmental organization. The following sections offer interventions
for toilets, water treatment, and education, which fit these criteria.
Sanitation and specifically sewage
treatment will continue to be principal concerns during the medium term. During the year following the earthquake an
estimated 13,000 latrines were installed by humanitarian organizations in
Haiti, most in IDP camps (Elhofy, 2011).
This intensity of installation should be continued in the wake of the cholera
epidemic, but it will be important to expand the focus of sanitation efforts
beyond the camps. Considering that only
24% of Haitians had basic sewage in 2004, long before the earthquake, it seems
clear that it is not only internally displaced people who are at risk due to
inadequate sewage facilities but a majority of the population (Farmer,
2011). At this point attention must be
given to other populations in need who experience elevated risk and
vulnerability, especially the most poor.
Rural areas are less equipped to manage their waste in a sanitary way
than urban areas, in which rates of access to improved sanitation facilities
are higher (WHO, 2010). Additionally,
the slums of Port-au-Prince are also densely populated with impoverished
people, but lack the infrastructural support provided to IDP camps. Both the number of latrines available and the
overall incidence of cholera in these slums is a critical concern that should
be addressed (Elhofy, 2011).
Ultimately the construction of permanent
underground sewage systems would be the preferred intervention for toilet
access as a determinant of health.
However, such systems take a significant amount of funding and time to
be constructed and in the medium term Haiti needs to increase the number of
sanitary latrines available to the public in order to reduce cholera
incidence. During this period of time,
the development of pit latrines would strengthen sanitation infrastructure in
rural areas (Farmer, 2011). This type of
toilet consists of a pit dug into the ground and covered with a hole left for
excrement to fall through. It is
important for this hole to be left clean and covered at all times when it is
not in use, as flies will be attracted to the latrines and can easily spread
cholera from infected excrement to human foods (WHO, 2011c). Building a closed shelter to protect the
latrine can further protect against transmission by flies, especially because
flies avoid darkness and dark surfaces.
Pit latrines are optimal for rural Haiti because they are the cheapest
and most simple intervention for improved sanitation (WHO, 2011c). Among dense urban populations, above-ground
sewage tanks are a more practical solution for the medium-term. This type of intervention would be mobile and
easily transported to target areas such as urban slums, but a safe location for
the deposition of the waste collected in these tanks would have to be
Water Treatment
has been discussed, the primary mode of transmission for cholera is through
contaminated water supplies. More than
50% percent of both urban and rural Haitian populations are without reliable
access to potable water; only 11% of have water in the home, 42% access water
from public fountains and more than 30% acquire water from an unprotected
supply (Global Development Alliance, 2008).
Many studies in developing countries have shown that even in
impoverished circumstances it can be realistic to develop effective
interventions into water treatment.
According to Agrawal and Bhalwar, “There
is now conclusive evidence that simple, acceptable, low cost interventions at
the household and community level are capable of dramatically improving the
microbial quality of household stored water and reducing the risks of diarrheal
disease (2009).” In their article about
low-cost water treatment interventions the provided the following table, which
presents a comparison of various treatment options on the basis of availability
and practicality, cost, and efficiency at microbial removal:
(Agrawal & Bhalwar,
To reduce
cholera transmission among the Haitian population, the majority of which cannot
afford expensive private treatment systems, those interventions that this study
and other published papers have considered to be low cost should be considered
most realistic. Unfortunately,
considering efficacy as the only priority will result in the selection of
expensive interventions to which most Haitians will not be able to achieve
As shown in the table above, both
exposure to sunlight and plain sedimentation are low-cost interventions. However, the low efficacy of plain
sedimentation methods at removing bacteria makes it a sub-optimal choice. Boiling, the cost of which depends on fuel
type, is a very popular solution to water quality problems in developing
countries and results in the removal of a high percentage of biological
contaminants. Boiling is simple and a
method of sanitation that is already culturally accepted. However, it is not
the best intervention for Haiti because fossil fuels are expensive and fuel
wood burning—the most popular method of heating water in Haiti—would result an
increase in the rate of deforestation which could be detrimental to the
environment and economy. It would be
appropriate to advise the public to boil water at the beginning of an outbreak
before they could be trained in less familiar treatment methods, but
disinfection by boiling is not sustainable for the medium or long term. Water
treatment through the effects of solar radiation and temperature, listed as
“exposure to sunlight” above, remains the most appropriate medium term
intervention for the economic and ecological realities of Haiti. Additionally, in-home disinfection using
chlorine products is a proven method that could be economically practical for
Haiti in the interim (Tappero & Tauxe, 2011),
especially if low concentrations of household bleach were used rather than
expensive chlorine tablets.
Education of Haitian community
members and community health workers is important both during the outbreak and
following it. The initial educational response included trainings-of-trainers
by the Center for Disease Control on cholera treatment, the training and
support of about 10,000 community health workers by the Haitian government and
other organizations to support treatment and prevention efforts (Tappero &
Tauxe, 2011). These community health workers were educated about triage for
people showing symptoms of cholera, making and using ORS, prevention by
disinfection and water treatment methods. Similar information was posted on the
CDC website and educational posters and radio and television announcements were
produced to educate the public about basic prevention, detection and treatment
In the
medium term it is important that information about cholera become common
knowledge. This not be difficult to achieve if treatment and santitation
education are incorporated into childhood education and efforts to inform the
public through print, radio, television and community outreach programs is
continued. Making cholera education a
mandatory part of primary and secondary education will reinforce alternative
education efforts and raise a generation better equipped to deal with the
continued presence of the disease.
Although the education of thousands of health workers was a significant
feat, it is important that education continue in order to dispel misconceptions
and bring knowledge to the most marginalized of Haitians. Lastly, it is very important that educational
materials going forward be produced both in French and Creole as well as being
represented in a visual form on posters and signs so that francophone,
creole-speaking and illiterate segments of the population can be reached.
Section: IV: Long-term interventions for cholera
The purpose of this long term
intervention strategies is to reduce and control the spread of the disease.
Cholera is a diarrheic illness caused by a toxigenic bacterium of the Vibrio cholerae species (Jouravlev
2004). The outbreak of the disease in Haiti has caused thousands of deaths
within few months since its introduction. Direct infection from person to
person is probably very rare, although this may occur in close contacts within
the home or as a result of contacting waste excrement of infected persons
(Jouravlev 2004). Specific to the Haitian case, improved sanitation, access to
clean drinking water and health resources were non-existent before the
earthquake (Njoh 2010). Studies have found that the disease was introduced by
UN Volunteers from Nepal (Chao 2011; Chin et al. 2011). Our goal in this long
term intervention is to prevent the continuous spread of the disease
Improved sanitation and water
Haiti is ranked 142 as one of
the poorest countries in the developing world with poor health and sanitation
infrastructures (Nielsen 2011). As such, Haiti qualifies as one of the Heavily
Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) to receive monetary assistance from
International Financial Institutions (IFIs) to address issues related to
poverty reduction, good governance and improving the living standards of its
citizens (IMF 2009). Before the earthquake in 2010, the country’s social,
economic, environmental and political systems were degraded. It is estimated
that as of 2010, about 80% of the total population of Haiti’s 10 million people
live without access to improved sanitation facility; whereas, about 40% of the
total population were without access to clean drinking water (WHO 2010). These
statistics point to why developing and implementing long-term cholera
intervention strategy is significant for the control of Cholera.
The proper disposal and
management of solid waste is a problem in almost all countries most especially
in developing countries where the lack improved sanitary infrastructure is a
challenge. Water-borne diseases related to inadequate water supply and
sanitation is among others as the leading cause of deaths in the developing
world (Fewtrell et al. 2004). The establishment and implementation of modern
sanitation facilities in solid waste disposal and management throughout the
country assist decrease the spread of the disease.
Solid waste disposal and
management is crucial in controlling the spread of cholera because the
bacterium that causes the disease lives in decomposing waste materials. When
solid wastes are not properly disposed and managed in facilities where they are
treated, it causes the bacterium of the disease to spread. In this way, solid
waste becomes environmental drivers for the spread of the disease. Our improved
sanitary strategy proposed in this section will allow us to address the issue
of solid waste as environmental drivers for the spread of the disease. This
will allow us to develop provide dumpsters throughout every community to
properly collect, dispose and manage solid waste. Collected waste will be
dumped at a designated landfill where it will undergo mechanical and chemical
treatments. This method will decrease significantly the amount of disease
carrying pathogens in water sources and thereby decreasing the future outbreaks
of cholera and other water-borne diseases (Kremer et al. 2005). In the extreme
case, we will design and develop a waste incinerator that will be used to burn
waste to generate electricity for the country, thus reducing the amount of
waste disposed in the designated landfills.
Also, a sanitation police will
be set up by the Ministry of Environment to routinely patrol in urban and rural
communities to ensure that environmental safety procedures are followed. The
sanitation police will work with local authorities to ensure that wastes are
not openly dispose. A fine will be imposed on individuals or communities that
are found violating these standards and regulations.
Improved toilet facilities
It is estimated that about 50%
urban and 80% rural communities in Haiti lack access to improved sanitation
facilities, which include improved toilets facilities (WHO 2010b). As a result,
these isolated communities use the outskirts of their communities as toilet
areas for the disposal of human excrement, which in turn could serve as
potential environmental risk factors for the spread of illness. To address
these issues, we’ve decided to design implement a nationwide project to build a
robust toilet facilities in communities to reduce the immediate and long-term
impacts of disposing human excrement on the environment. It is our goal to work
with the Ministry of Health and Population as well as Public Works of Haiti to
design strategies on how to convert the human excrement into useable goods such
as manure and fertilizers to boost local agriculture.
Water treatment and
Water is a fundamental aspect
of human existence. However, access to clean drinking water continues to be a
global phenomenon as climate change and global warming continue to impact our
natural systems of clean and fresh water sources (Thompson 2003). It is
estimated that about1.1 billion people in developing countries have inadequate
access to water. Almost two in three people lack access to clean water and
survive on less than $2 a day (UNDP 2006). In Haiti, 59% of the entire
population lives without access to improved water system (WHO 2010b), which is
a challenging problem and contributing factor to the widespread of infectious
diseases. This proposed intervention will
include the establishment of a national water treatment and purification plant
that will make clean water available to every household. The public and private
sectors will collaborate to ensure that purified water are freely distributed
and accounted for. Local communities will be involved in this process at
community levels to ensure that the available water resource is used wisely and
Improved health care system
As part of our long term
intervention, we are established a comprehensive health care system, which will
involve the public and private health sectors. The emphasis of this
comprehensive system is such that, with the involvement of both groups in
addressing the health needs of Haitians, we will be using a holistic approach
in tackling the disease. This will include the provisions of funds for the
education and training of community health workers. This is important because
Haiti is in drastic need of medical personnel. Investment in the health care
sector will not only produce a productive and healthy workforce, but also
create a vigorous system in which access to information, prevention, and
treatment will be ensured.
Furthermore, access to
advance medical supplies is a challenge in Haiti. We will invest in this sector by working closely with state and non-state actors in
providing medical supplies. These medical supplies and equipment will include
the provision of emergency response vehicles, medicines, and storage
facilities. We will work closely with international institutions such as the
World Health Organization (WHO), the International Committee of the Red Cross
(ICRC) and the American Red Cross (ARC) for assistance in providing medical
supplies and equipment.
National education and
Education is considered as the
vehicle of change, which can lead a transformative society at all spectrum of
the development discourse if implemented in response to the needs of the
population it seeks to target. On this note, as development practitioners as
well as medical experts, we will work closely with the Ministry of Education in
collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Population to design, strategize
and structure a curriculum framework that will incorporate cholera education.
This curriculum will be taught at all levels in primary and secondary schools
to reinforce our campaign in eliminating cholera and other infectious diseases.
We will also provide funding to teachers who are
willing to pursue professional development courses or a degree in the health
sciences and who in term will serve by teaching after their completion. This
will be carefully administered so that other areas of the economy cannot be
impacted by the influx of teachers in the health science sector. There will be
a limited intake of teachers per year as to be determined by both the Ministry
of Education and the Ministry of Health and Population. Applicants that will
benefit from this scheme will have to conduct an academic research in the field
of health science upon completion to contribute to the academics on health
issues in the region.
National disaster preparedness
and response
The 2010 earthquake and its
aftermath generated sufficient evidence why our proposal for national disaster
preparedness and response is essential. The government of Haiti before the
earthquake lack substantial resources and this was partly due to the lack of
good governance, corruption, and instabilities. We are proposing that the
institutionalization of a national disaster preparedness and response unit is
essential to address immediate emergency issues.
Our plan to this approach of
emergency preparedness and response will include the construction of bunkers
throughout major cities that will have the capacity to host thousands of
displaced people during the event of a disaster or emergency. This will assist
in reducing the spread of the disease. Our plan also envisage a system of
training, professional development and public education about disaster
preparedness and response.
Furthermore, we will work with
the state, local and international organizations to fund and train Crisis
Counselors with the appropriate skills in conducting psychological first aid
(PSA) with communities and individuals impacted by disaster. These crisis
counselors will work with local and international agencies to counsel victims
and direct them to resources where they can access further help if needed.
Those who need further mental health counseling caused by the death of love
ones, friends, or the loss of properties will be referred to the appropriate
mental health counselor in their area.
Financial Investment for
Long-Term Interventions
The design, organization and
implementation of these strategies in our long-term cholera intervention
wouldn’t be achieved if we don’t mention how we seek to fund it. We will work
with local, international, and government agencies to raise awareness and the
need to act. Specific monetary appears will be made to international financial
institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and
other leading agencies and foundations that are concern with health and
sanitation issues. Funds generated through donations and foreign aid will be
deposited into a specialized bank account created specifically for this
The severity and rapid
spread of the recent cholera epidemic in Haiti was influenced by a number of
determinants of health in the impoverished country. Sanitation and
access to treated water were key determinants which both influenced the risk
experienced by individuals and limited the ability of the population to slow
transmission of the disease. In Haiti, where access to clean water
and sanitation are extremely limited, it is expected that endemic transition of
the disease could continue for years and result in an even greater loss of life
(Tappero & Tauxe, 2011). A large variety of public health
interventions have been and can be implemented to contain the epidemic and work
towards eradicating endemic cholera, especially those which will improve
sanitation and water treatment infrastructure. Knowledge pertaining
to the introduction, amplification and eventual reduction of the cholera
epidemic in Haiti can contribute to sanitation and disease management policies
domestically and in other countries to reduce the frequency effect of such
epidemics. Additionally, the infrastructure improvements implemented
in response to this outbreak can reduce deaths due to other common diarrheal
diseases after the epidemic is contained and contribute to improved public
health in Haiti.
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