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Showing posts from July, 2012

Global Health, An Epidemiological Perspective: Strategic Interventions for the Reduction of Cholera in Haiti

A Joint Report  Submitted   To Dr. Barbara Goldoftas, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy at Clark University By J enkins Macedo (M.A. 2012) Lydia Meintel-Wade  (M.S. 2012) Marcus Pasay (B.S. 2013) David Safari  (M.S. Cand., 2013) Introduction             This chapter focuses on the cholera epidemic that began in Haiti in October 2010. This epidemic has been one of the most severe cholera outbreaks in history due to a variety of factors that promoted the quick and rampant spread of the disease. As of October 14, 2011, just one year after the initial outbreak began, the total numbers of reported cholera cases in Haiti are 437, 649 and still rising (WHO, 2011b). The Republic of Haiti is situated in the western part of the Island of Hispaniola in the Great Antillean archipelago (WHO, 2011a). Haiti shares its border to the east with the Dominican Republic. Haiti achieved i...