Please visit this link to watch a video about the RESPECT Intellectual Club (RIC) at the Buduburam Refugee Settlement in Ghana:
RESPECT is an international organization concerned with refugee education, raising awareness and encouraging action on refugee issues globally and locally, and making connections between non-refugee and refugee students. One of the organization’s associates, RESPECT Ghana, supports Liberian refugees both on and off the Buduburum refugee camp in Accra, Ghana.
Within the refugee camp showcased in this video, RESPECT Ghana fosters an environment of self-respect and dignity through their Smart Kids Program, an intellectual club, competitive sports teams and challenging extracurricular programs for grade and high school students. RESPECT Ghana focuses on integrating refugees into the wider Ghanaian society and changing traditional assumptions and patterns in the way refugee camps are run. In teaching respect for humanity, the environment and one’s self, RESPECT Ghana seeks to provide education, self-agency and support to reduce the harmful impacts that forced migration has upon young people.
Get involved!
RESPECT Ghana: The first step is to understand refugees are not a threat, but are themselves threatened, and they need help and protection. Refugees are ordinary people who could well be an asset to your community.- You, along with other members of the public, can encourage governments to adopt policies at home and abroad that help refugees find peace and safety.
- You can also support RESPECT Ghana financially through donations and providing International Reply Coupons for Our Global Letter Exchange Programs in schools across the world.
- Your ideas and information as well as proposals for projects or educational materials for refugees can be a useful resource for the Liberian refugee community we serve.
- Individuals and organization willing to partner with RESPECT Ghana and help make its dreams and plans become a reality, should not hesitate to contact the Country Coordinator or the International coordinator.
- (be sure to visit Respect's website for further details)