Tentative Research Topics for Master Thesis in International Development and Social Change at Clark University
Research Topic Brainstorming List
By: Jenkins Divo Macedo,
Institution: Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts
Department: International Development Community and Environment (IDCE)
Program: Master of Arts in International Development and Social Change (IDSC)
Tentative Research Topics of Interest
The Roles of Non-Governmental Organizations in Development Projects in Ghana and Liberia.
The United Nations Refugee Agency in Ghana: A Case Study of the Social, Economic, Political and Environmental Impacts of Liberian Refugees in Ghana.
From Refugee Camps to the US: The Untold Stories of Liberian Refugees Living in the Diaspora.
The Emerging State of Environmental Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons and Relief Aid: A Case Study of the 2010 Haitian Earthquake and Beyond.
Reconsidering the Past of Development Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Colonialism, Post-Colonialism, and Pan-Africanism in Ghana.
The Environmental and Social Impacts of Warehousing Refugees in Camps: The Roles of the State, Development Organizations, Civic Institutions and Religious Organizations in Ghana.
From the Farm to the Markets: Trends, Challenges, Impacts and the Organization of Small-scale Vegetable Growers in Western and Central Ghana.
The Emerging Economies at the Buduburam Refugee Camp in Ghana: How Western Union, Vegetable Crops Production, Microfinance Ventures and Businesses Revolutionalized the Local Ghanaian Economy.
Successes, Challenges and Trends in the Educational Needs and Development of Refugee Students in the Worcester Public School Systems: The Enrolment, Placement, Evaluation and the Special Education Program.
By: Jenkins Divo Macedo,
Institution: Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts
Department: International Development Community and Environment (IDCE)
Program: Master of Arts in International Development and Social Change (IDSC)
Tentative Research Topics of Interest
The Roles of Non-Governmental Organizations in Development Projects in Ghana and Liberia.
The United Nations Refugee Agency in Ghana: A Case Study of the Social, Economic, Political and Environmental Impacts of Liberian Refugees in Ghana.
From Refugee Camps to the US: The Untold Stories of Liberian Refugees Living in the Diaspora.
The Emerging State of Environmental Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons and Relief Aid: A Case Study of the 2010 Haitian Earthquake and Beyond.
Reconsidering the Past of Development Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Colonialism, Post-Colonialism, and Pan-Africanism in Ghana.
The Environmental and Social Impacts of Warehousing Refugees in Camps: The Roles of the State, Development Organizations, Civic Institutions and Religious Organizations in Ghana.
From the Farm to the Markets: Trends, Challenges, Impacts and the Organization of Small-scale Vegetable Growers in Western and Central Ghana.
The Emerging Economies at the Buduburam Refugee Camp in Ghana: How Western Union, Vegetable Crops Production, Microfinance Ventures and Businesses Revolutionalized the Local Ghanaian Economy.
Successes, Challenges and Trends in the Educational Needs and Development of Refugee Students in the Worcester Public School Systems: The Enrolment, Placement, Evaluation and the Special Education Program.