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Tentative Research Topics for Master Thesis in International Development and Social Change at Clark University

Research Topic Brainstorming List

By: Jenkins Divo Macedo,
Institution: Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts
Department: International Development Community and Environment (IDCE)
Program: Master of Arts in International Development and Social Change (IDSC)

Tentative Research Topics of Interest

The Roles of Non-Governmental Organizations in Development Projects in Ghana and Liberia.

 The United Nations Refugee Agency in Ghana: A Case Study of the Social, Economic, Political and Environmental Impacts of Liberian Refugees in Ghana.

 From Refugee Camps to the US: The Untold Stories of Liberian Refugees Living in the Diaspora.

 The Emerging State of Environmental Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons and Relief Aid: A Case Study of the 2010 Haitian Earthquake and Beyond.

 Reconsidering the Past of Development Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Colonialism, Post-Colonialism, and Pan-Africanism in Ghana.

 The Environmental and Social Impacts of Warehousing Refugees in Camps: The Roles of the State, Development Organizations, Civic Institutions and Religious Organizations in Ghana.

 From the Farm to the Markets: Trends, Challenges, Impacts and the Organization of Small-scale Vegetable Growers in Western and Central Ghana.

 The Emerging Economies at the Buduburam Refugee Camp in Ghana: How Western Union, Vegetable Crops Production, Microfinance Ventures and Businesses Revolutionalized the Local Ghanaian Economy.

 Successes, Challenges and Trends in the Educational Needs and Development of Refugee Students in the Worcester Public School Systems: The Enrolment, Placement, Evaluation and the Special Education Program.


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