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Showing posts from December, 2012

The U.S. Federal Government At-A-Glance: A Political Science Paper

            The United States Government is divided into three branches each of which functions together to complement the other in a “check-and-balance” system. The Executive branch of government is the highest office of the US government, which constitutes the seat of the US Presidency, which is a form of aristocracy form of leadership that was practiced in some European countries at the time the “Founding Fathers” were drafting the U.S. Constitution in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This branch of government is responsible for enforcing the laws of the country that the Legislature makes and does not have the constitution rights to make laws of its own or rather interpret laws that the legislature makes. The Judiciary branch of government is responsible for interpreting the laws and this branch also serves as an eye on the president’s actions and activities. Each branch of government in the US is a distinct organ...

LIGHTING THE ACADEMIC COMMONS: A Case Study of Electricity Efficiency of Incandescent, Compact Fluorescent and LED Lamps at Clark University

December 15, 2012 Proposed AC LED GRID LAMP ABSTRACT This project explored the efficiency of the lighting system at the Academic Commons (AC) at the Goddard Library at Clark University as part of an academic research paper for the Technology for Renewable Energy course taught by Dr. Charles Agosta, Chair of the Physics Department. The study builds on students' responses to informal and open-ended surveys and electricity energy consumption data from the lighting systems. The data were analyzed using MS Excel 2010 by conducting descriptive statistics on demographic characteristics and statistical analysis of electricity used via lighting to determine energy cost, savings, CO2 emissions, and offsets by comparing the status quo against two hypothetical scenarios. The results indicate that, while the status quo (CFL light bulbs) electricity consumption seems efficient in terms of CO2 emissions and cost compared to incandescent light bulbs, converting the lighting system...