Solid-waste Management in Humanitarian Response I am seeking three very committed individuals to develop an innovative project, which seeks to manage solid waste in refugees/displaced camps. If you are interested, please feel free to send me an email at: For more information on the call for proposal, please visit this link: Solid-waste Management in Humanitarian Response TAGS: HIF WASH, Life Sciences, Requests for Partners and Suppliers, Developing Countries, Engineering/Design, Global Health, Theoretical-licensing AWARD: $15,000 USD | DEADLINE: 4/06/14 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 203 | POSTED: 2/05/14 When large numbers of people are displaced due to natural or man-made disasters, they flee their homes and settle in formal or informal camps. One major problem is the management of solid wastes (trash, rubbish, garbage, litter) produced by large numbers of p...
Over the past few days, the people of America, again experienced what some called "a failed democratic process", the negative effects of a bipartisan system of political discourse, which needs to be reconstructed, or what others may term as a neglected political system that continues to seek its own interests and positions despite fighting for the livelihoods and welfare of all Americans across the political, social, cultural, economic, and environmental spectra. Is this system working or should we be looking somewhere else? It should be noted, however, that in the midst of these challenges, we emerge as a united people with a common front, which is, the will to put our nation first instead of our own selfish and ambitious interests. In the midst of disagreements, whether political or whatsoever, we should learn to build consensus, work in unity without hurting others, and be our brothers' keepers so to say, because all you are as ( elected officials ), you are in that ...